Monday, May 14, 2007

Sherri's New Best Friends

Decision point: Do I keep the blog happy and positive, or do I keep it real? Since the purpose of my blog is to let friends/family know what I’ve been up to, and to help me keep track of the passing of time.. I guess I’ll go with the keepin’ it real method.

Please meet my two new best friends, Tivo and my Soduku book.

Previously only casual acquaintances, over the past two weeks I have come to rely heavily on them while I have been laid up at home with an achy breaky back. That’s right. That pesky bugger of a back up to it’s old shenanigans again, and screaming for attention. Right before we left for Jazzfest, I had a 4-day episode where I couldn’t sit for more than 10-minutes at a time without standing up all crooked and in pain. After a few.. ahem.. intense.. chiropractic treatments, I was fixed up enough to get on the plane. Jazzfest week was stiff & achy, but bearable, as I wasn’t sitting down very much at all! Post-Jazzfest, I made it one day at work before I couldn’t take it, and have been at home, NOT sitting, ever since. I tried chiropractic, stretching, drugs, exercise, etc. Nothing works this time. Basically, I'm camped out on the floor in the living room, doing as much as I can without sitting or straining the back, and that isn't very much. I fall asleep and dream of my to-do list getting longer and longer as I remain idle. Booooo. I’m going kind of stir crazy. I try to get out as much as I can to get in some movement, but the back quickly tires of my escape tactics and sends me home. Tomorrow I see a new Neurologist, and hopefully I’ll get that new MRI quickly (grrr. HMO red tape). Send me all kinds of positive energy, please. One back surgery was enough for me. And if you have any spare, healthy discs, send those too!

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