Tuesday, May 1, 2007

All the way from San Diego.. it's....

Ken Clapp! Ken joined us for a very refined and civilized dinner at Indian Oven this week, along with a few of his friends from L.A..

I used to work with Ken back in the day, when you could eat a free dinner every night (at a launch party) and offices typically came equipped with pool tables, air hockey tables, large screen TVs with PlayStations, and sofas (to sleep for a few hours at 2am between software builds). When we all got the boot (dot com crash!) in 2001, a group of 9 friends decided we should take our severance checks and wander around Peru for a while. Ken and I bonded during our 5-day (showerless) hike to Macchupicchu, during our endless giggle fests (I can't believe I actually PULLED his finger) in all of the major Peruvian cities, while we constantly one-upped each other with dares! (see photo below), and while I took care of him while he was very sick (okay, I also took some funny pics while he was incapacitated, but I prefer to remember myself as the angel of mercy!).

I hadn't seen Ken since 2005 in New Orleans, when he was living there and AT and I were visiting for Jazzfest, so it was fantastic to catch up and reminisce!

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