Monday, March 5, 2007

Melicob's Kitchen

I have to admit that I love home improvement projects. Especially painting. Whenever someone tells me they need to paint their house, I offer to help. But no one ever takes me up on it. Hmm. Maybe they think I was just being polite, because, after all, what kind of crazy person would sign up to spend their weekend doing manual labor on someone else's house for free? Uh... ME!

Finally, someone took me up on my offer! Hooray! Melissa and Jacob recently purchased a very large house in San Franciso that needs some TLC, but has enormous potential. This weekend, Melissa and I set our sights on fixing up the kitchen. (No, I didn’t offer to help just because they have an adorable fluffy Labradoodle, but I’ll admit that it didn’t HURT.)

Details of the undertaking can be found on Melissa & Jacob’s Blog..
Thanks Melissa! It was fun. What’s next?

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