Friday, March 2, 2007

I Died and Went to Dog Heaven

Every other year, the San Francisco Symphony hosts it’s annual Black & White fundraising ball. They block off several city blocks around City Hall and throw a huge indoor/outdoor gala, where everyone dresses to the nines in their finest black and/or white attire. The music is fantastic, the food phenomenal, and the atmosphere amazing.

I used to think that was the best fundraising event in San Francisco.. until I learned of the Bark & Whine ball. The Bark & Whine is the San Francisco SPCA’s annual fundraiser. It is also a formal event, with great music and food, and FABULOUS beverages (did I mention that AT’s company was a sponsor?)... but the Bark & Whine is all about the DOGS. As a dog lover… okay.. as a dog STALKER (I can’t pass a dog on the street without stopping to pet it.. and sometimes I go to the dog park just to pet other people’s dogs), this night was a dream come true. I can’t imagine a better way to spend the night eating good food, having great cocktails, and hanging out at a venue chock full of dogs. All kinds of dogs.. dog breeds I knew.. dogs I couldn’t identify.. big dogs.. tiny dogs.. St. Bernards, Egyptian Pharaoh Hounds, Rottweilers, Chihuahuas.. dogs in costume.. dogs without costumes..and the best part was that they were all super friendly, and it was a free-for-all. You could just walk around petting everyone’s dogs at will. No need to ask, no need to worry if you are interrupting them. Heaven, I tell you.. heaven.

AT was supposed to join me, but had to go out of town for business. In his place were Andea and Adam, our good friends who happen to own two adorable Chihuahuas, Anna and Jack. Not only were Andrea & Adam a lot of fun, but they also lent credibility to my appearance at the show. Otherwise I might have looked a little odd showing up at a dog party without a dog!

Andrea with Anna:

There seemed to be two main types of owners at the ball.. those who purchased expensive purebreds, and those who rescued their animals from bad situations. Andrea & Adam became heroes to many people at the ball when they told the story of Jack and Anna. Both dogs had been very badly abused before Andrea & Adam got them, but are now happy and thriving.

Also at the event.. a red carpet for the dogs to make their appearance, a buffet of delicious food, a silent auction to benefit the SPCA, a dance floor where people danced with their dogs, reserved tables, non-reserved tables, dog walkers to take the doggies outside when necessary, and a delicious chocolate fountain with fruit, other assorted dipping things, and RICE KRISPY TREATS. Yum!

I rank this evening an A++ and cannot WAIT till it comes around again next year. A huge thank you to Georgie @ Diageo for making it all happen. :)

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