Friday, March 23, 2007

London in the Spring

Okay, so maybe "Spring" doesn't quite describe it, seeing as I got stuck in a snowstorm in central London on the day that I arrived, wearing nothing but a (water-sucking) sweater. :)

But I DO love London! I'm back again this week for another work trip. Every night when I'm wandering around London, taking in the sights and searching for another tasty place to eat dinner, I convince myself that I must, absolutely MUST find a way to live here, at least for a year. I dream about all of the weekend trips I could take on Ryan Air to explore Europe. Then reality sinks in when I think about how far my salary would go in London. Boo.

This time I get to see Stacey and Nelson again. Stacey is AT's friend from Boston (who also happens to be a Habitat for Humanity-Global Village team leader!) She now lives in London with her fiance, Nelson. I joke with AT and tell him that I have decided to steal her as a friend, since I get to see her more than he does. Hee hee. Whenever I'm in London, I try to have dinner with Stacey and Nelson. They always pick a great new restaurant for me to try. During my last trip we had a veritable Turkish feast, tasty Indian food, fireworks and Borat. This time I had less time to hang out but they took me to a fantastic and trendy Thai restaurant.

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