Thursday, July 5, 2007


What a whirlwind of activity! As usual, our extra-long weekend in Boston was filled with family, friends and food. Here are some of the highlights..

Lunch at Legal Seafood with Ophelia (AT’s mom). AT used to be a manager at Legal Seafood, so we like to stop in and have some of his favorite foods when we’re back east. This meal featured: fish chowdah, lobster bisque (for me), a clam roll (with clam bellies), bluefish pate, and grape nut pudding. No, they don’t actually have grape nut pudding on the menu anymore, but after AT expressed his disappointment at it’s removal from the menu, the waiter let us in on a little secret.. they have a special stash of it in the kitchen for occasions like this where someone comes looking for it!

Dinner and drinks with Stefan, Sophie, Andrea, Cave, Scott O’Donnell and others at Eastern Standard. It was GREAT to see Scotty O (who used to live in San Francisco) after several years. He’s in Real Estate, so I picked his brain and got some good advice about entering the field. After the group broke up (most of them had to go to work the next day!), AT and I went to Silver Tone (his favorite Boston bar.. his “Cheers”). His favorite bartender, Cedric, moved to Florida (boo), but Michael was! After mixing us delicious cocktails, Michael informed us that Cedric was, in fact, back and Boston and managing a new bar called BeeHive. Obviously, we had to get just “one more” cocktail at BeeHive. After a warm welcome from Cedric & others (AT is unforgettable), we sat at the end of the bar and chatted with a fantastically energetic guy named Newman. Newman is the white version of Jonathan Speed. And we love Speedo. So we hung out with Newman for one MORE cocktail, but then we had to leave so that we could get to New York Pizza before it closed. YUM YUM YUM. We love that NY style pizza.. the real stuff. Not that stuff they serve in SF and CALL New York pizza. Nothing like a great late-night slice of delicious pizza.

AT’s family reunion. Technically, it was Ted & Ruth’s 50th wedding anniversary. But really, the event served to reunite many of the Howe clan. Sadly, many of the West Coast contingent didn’t make it, as all of the flights from the Bay Area were canceled on Thursday and Friday. Thank goodness we left on Wednesday! But it was fun to meet all of the great people that I had heard so much about. The food was tasty, the speeches incredibly moving. I was inspired by all of the tributes to Ted and Ruth. They are two phenomenal people who have made a big impact on everyone from their children to complete strangers. I can only hope that my life will be as meaningful and fulfilling as theirs (I know, for that I’ll need some kids. Hopefully one day!)

Fabulously delicious ice cream from Toscanini’s. For AT? Burnt Vienna Fingers. For me? Ginger Slap Molasses.

Reading my Real Estate Practice book whenever I could sneak it in. (No rest for the unemployed!)

A tasty dinner with Stacey at 647 Tremont. Stacey is here in the States, getting ready for her upcoming wedding to Nelson. (Congratulations!!) Since I won’t get to see Stacey in London on my business trips anymore (boo), it was great to see her Stateside! After dinner, we went back to the BeeHive to see Cedric again, but the bar was packed packed packed. We could have edged our way in, but we all knew that we’re just too old for that stuff! Being packed in like sardines? Having to push your way to the bar to get a cocktail? No thank you! We went next door for a nice, civilized glass of wine.

Watching the huge wild turkey in Stefan’s back yard.

I saw a residential building with the name “Bacon Chambers” prominently displayed above the door. I want to live there. It’s right down the street from “Redneck’s BBQ”

Visiting Cave and Fleur. Cave is AT’s friend from childhood. Fleur is my favorite dog in the world. She’s a beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog, and I can’t get enough of her!

Brunch with David and Tawnya (who I met on a Habitat for Humanity trip to Uganda in 1999) and Heather (who I met in San Francisco years ago). We had a lovely meal at their home, and got to meet their two sons. I have been bad at keeping in touch and haven’t seen any of these three in YEARS, so it was fantastic to finally catch up on those lost years!

Lunch with AT, Ophelia, Arnold and myself. Ophelia whipped up a very SCRUMPTIOUS meal, aptly titled “Ophelia’s Casserole”. It was a delicious meal of ground beef, vegetables, tomatoes, chili powder, and baked with a cornbread topper. YUM. I * must * have this recipe!

Stealing Swedish Fish out of Stefan’s kitchen cabinet. We found his bulk package of the fish on the first day. Jackpot!

Being two of the 11 people on our very-delayed flight home. Receiving first class meals, and our own private rows in the airplane. Getting home a day before our luggage.

Oh, and there’s more. But it’s late and I can’t remember it now.
It was a fantastic getaway. Now, back to reality!

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